Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013

10 Footballers who passed out in the Field And Died

10 Footballers who passed out in the Field And Died Bolton Wanderers player, Fabrice Muamba fainted when playing against Tottenham Hotspur in the FA Cup quarter-final match at White Hart Lane on Sunday (18/03/2012) pm. Muamba fell unconscious in 42 minutes. Fabrice Muamba was rushed to the hospital. The match was stopped by referee Howard Webb. The following is a list of football players who died while playing: 1. Marc-Vivien Foe The Cameroon national team player fainted while playing in the Confederations Cup 2006 in Lyon, France against Colombia June 26, 2003. Foe suddenly fell in the middle of the field. Foe died moments later. 2. Antonio Puerta The players club Sevilla suffered heart failure when faced Getafe August 28, 2007 in the opening La Liga. 3. Joel Abdi Indonesian midfielder who plays for Bontang FC is experiencing concussion when playing against Persela Lamongan on March 7, 2009. Eight days later, the 26-year-old player died after undergoing intensive care. Joel died as a result of damage in a number of vital organs inside. 4. John Tomson John Tomson is a former Glasgow Celtic goalkeeper who died after a collision with a Rangers player when the Old Firm game at Ibrox Stadium on 5 September 1931. John Tomson died at the age of 22 years. 5. Hugo Cunha Portugal midfielder club Uniao Leiria is unconscious and died in a friendly match in June 2005. Hugo Cunha died at the age of 28 years 6. Marcio Dos Santos 28-year-old Brazilian striker, died of a heart attack a few hours after scoring a goal in October 2002. Dos Santos is a Peruvian team player, Deportivo Wanka. 7. Miklos Feher Benfica's players fainting due to a heart attack in a league game against Vitoria Guimaraes in Portugal January 24. Hungary's national team players were killed in a 24-year-old 8. Dave Longhurst Players York City's 25-year-old died after being unconscious for two minutes in a match against Lincoln City in September 1990. An autopsy showed Longhurst died of heart problems. 9. Samuel Okwaraji Nigerian player Samuel Okwaraji unconscious for 10 minutes when diving World Cup qualifier against Angola in lagos in August 1989. Okwaraji died of heart disease. 10. Serginho Sao Caetano defender died of respiratory problems when playing against Sao Paulo in October 2004.raja-blog-indonesia.blogspot.co

10 manusia unik

10 Manusia Terlangka di Dunia 1. Joseph Merrick – Manusia Gajah Lahir tahun 1862, Joseph Merrick memiliki kelainan fisik yaitu daun telinganya tumbuh sangat besar ketika dia berumur lima tahun. Dia ikut sebuah pertunjukkan di tahun 1884, di sana dia diperlakukan dengan baik dan mendapat banyak uang. Seorang dokter pengunjung melihatnya dan berencana mengubah hidupnya. Sekarang diketahui Joseph Merrick sebenernya dia menderita sindrom Proteus dan bukan elephantiasis yang seperti yang dikira. Merrick meninggal di umur 27 karena mati lemas saat tidur. 2. Juan Baptista dos Santos – Pria dengan Dua penis Jean (atau Juan) Baptista dos Santos dikatakan telah menjadi seorang “Gipsey”, lahir di Faro, Portugal di 1843. dari suami-istri normal dengan dua anak normal lainnya. Karirnya di pertunjukkan diawasi oleh tim medis. Tahun 1865, dia menghasilkan 200.00 franc untuk tampil dengan sirkus di Perancis selama dua tahun. Dia memiliki dua penis yang berfungsi dam tiga scrota, dua bagian yang punya satu testis. Dos Santos mengatakan dulunya dalam scrotum tengahnya juga juga terdapat sepasang testis, tapi sekarang telah menyatu dengan peruts saat dia berumur sepuluh tahun. 3. Myrtle Corbin – Wanita Berkaki Empat Josephine Myrtle Corbin lahir di Lincoln Country, Tennesee tahun 1868. Dia lahir dipygus, punya dua panggul terpusah bersebelahan dari pinggang. Kaki tambahan ini adalah bagian dari kembarannya yang nggak terpisah dengan benar, kayak Frank Lentini yang punya tiga kaki. Setiap kaki kecilnya sepasang dengan kaki yang besar, Dia mengatakan bisa menggerakan kali kecilnya, tapi nggak cukup kuat buat berjalan. Dia punga empat putri dan satu putra. 4. Mademoiselle Gabrielle – Wanita Setengah Lahir di Basle, Switzerland, tahun 1884, Gabrielle Fuller pertama kalo ikut sirkus di Paris Exposition tahun 1900. Dia melakukan perjalanan dengan Ringling Brothers Circus tampil di pertunjukkan Dreamland Coney Island. Dia menikah dua kali, yang pertama dengan John de Fuller. Dia punya badan atas yang sempurna yang berakhir di pinggang. 5. Mary Ann Bevan – Wanita Terjelek Mary Ann Webster lahir di London, Inggris tahun 1874,dengan tujuh saudara. Saat muda, dia bekerja sebagai perawat dan tahun 1903 menikah dengan seorang penjual sayuran, Thomas Bevan. Tidak lama setelah menikah, Mary Ann mulai memperlihatkan gejala acromegaly, pembesaran karena pertumbuhan abnormal dan kelainan fungsi di wajah, seperti sakit kepala, penglihatan kabur dan sakit otot dan sendi. Dia punya empat anak sebelum Thomas meninggal tahun 1914. 6. Martin Laurello – Manusia Burung Hantu Pira bernama Martin Laurello ini lahir dengan nama Martin Emmerling di Nuremburg, Jerman tahun 1886. Dia mulai berakting di Eropa saat berumur 20an dan berlanjut ke Amerika tahun 1921. Dia tampil beberapa kali di Coney Island dan bekerja juga untuk Ringling Bros, pertunjukkan Barnum & Baileys. Dia juga bekerja untuk Royal American Shows milik Dick Best dan akhir tahun 19945 tampil dengan Ripley dengan “Popeye Perry” dan “Junior Stiles”, bocah lobster berumur tujuh tahun. 7. Mme. Clofullia – Wanita Berjanggut Madame Clofullia lahir dengan nama Josephine Boisdechene di Switzerland. Kata orang, dia lahir dengan tubuh berambut dan punya janggut seteba; 2 inci di umur delapan. Di umur delapan, dia mulai melakukan tur di Eropa bersama ayahnya. Di Paris, dia bertemu pelukis Fortube Clofullia dan lalu menikah dengannya. Dia menjadi terkenal karena menunjukkan janggutnya saat meniru punya Napoleon III. Lalu, penguasa daerah itu memberinya permata yang sangat besar. 8. Wang – Manusia Unicorn Tahun 1930, seorang petani Cina dari Mancgukuo bertemu dengan seorang bankir Rusia. Orang Rusia itu mengambil gambar si petani dan mengirimkan fotonya ke Robert Ripley dari acara ‘Believe It Or Not’. Diketahui sebagai Wang, atau terkadang dipanggil Weng, petani ini sebenernya bertubuh normal, kecuali tanduk sepanjang 14 inci yang tumbuh dari belakang kepalanya. Ripley menawarkan uang yang banyak buat siapa saja yang bisa membawanya tampil di Odditorium. Namun, Wang menghilang dari publik di awal 1930an dan nggak pernah terdengar lagi kabarnya. 9. Lionel – Bocah Berwajah Singa Stephan Bibrowsky lahir di Ploandia tahun 1890 dari orang tua yang normal. Dia menderita hypertrichosis, kelainan genetik yang jarang terjadi yang menutupi seluruh tubuh dengan bulu. Hanya ada sekitar 50 kasus dari kelainan ini yang diketahui sejak abad pertengahan. Dalam kasus Lionel, rambut sepanjang enam inci menutupi badannya. Dia ditemukan oleh seorang dari Jerman bernama Meyer saat dia empat tahun dan menjadi terkenal di Eropa dimana dia mendapat julukan manusia berwajah singa. Beda jauh sama binatang tentunya, dia pakai baju dan gaul dengan lima bahasa yang dia kuasai. 10. Ella Harper – Gadis Unta Inilah tulisan pitch card dari Ella Harper. Pitch card tuh iklan buat attraksi pertunjukkan. “Saya dipanggil gadis unta karena lutut saya menghadap belakang. Saya bisa berjalan dengan tangan dan kaki saya seperti yang Anda lihat di gambar. Saya telah berpergian untuk pertunjukkan selama empat tahun dan sekarang, tahun 1886 dan saya memutuskan berhenti dan pergi ke sekolah dan mencari kegiatan baru” 10 Manusia Terlangka di Dunia1000unik.blogspot.com

The discovery of the Pyramid in Indonesia

The discovery of the Pyramid in Indonesia A Pyramid found in Tatar Sunda. Is this evidence of Atlantis in Indonesia? BUNCH of people who are members of the Foundation Turangga Seta claim to find hundreds pyramid hidden beneath a hill and scattered in Sumatra, Java, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua. Two of them are in Mount Lalakon, Bandung, and at Mount Sadahurip, Garut, West Java. [Pyramid in Indonesia] According to them, the results of geoelectric test-a test to measure the resistivity of rock-capture the existence of a natural rock structure was similar to pyramid building. In the structure of the building there is a shape similar to the hallway or the door. The findings were considered to be archaeological evidence that Atlantis is located in Indonesia. The Professor of Philosophy and Religion University of Paramadina Abdul Hadi, the existence of Atlantis has been developed from an apocalyptic view of a view of history, in which Ibn Khaldun, Hegel, Oswald Spengler, and Toynbee. "A civilization flourish and bloom in the beginning. Like the plants in the spring. Then came summer, civilization began infertile. Then followed the fall, crisis and loss began to threaten civilization dekandensi partly moral and dehumanization. Finally arriving in the winter time of his death, "said Abdul Hadi. Atlantis as a great civilization, the source current of human civilization, first coined by the Greek philosopher, Plato (427-347 BC), in his two books, Critias and Timaeus. For more than 2,000 years, Atlantis slowly disappeared as a series of disasters, has become a fairy tale. However, since the Middle Ages, the story of Atlantis became popular in the Western world. Many Western scientists secretly believed possible existence of Atlantis. They assume the location of Atlantis in the Western Hemisphere, around the Atlantic ocean, or at least far around the Middle East. The study was conducted in these areas. But most researchers did not provide sufficient evidence and only guess. In the late 1990s, controversy resurfaced due to the location of Atlantis opinion of two researchers, Stephen Oppenheimer and Arysio des Santos Nunes. Oppenheimmer, genetic specialists who study the history of civilization, published the book Eden in the East (1999) based on research over 12 years. The book was the main hypothesized that Atlantis is located in Sunda Shelf (Sundaland), namely Southeast Asia. "I believe that I am the first to defend Southeast Asia as a source of elements of Western civilization," Oppenheimer wrote in the preface to his book. Arysio des Santos, Brazil geologists and nuclear physicists, in his book Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found, The Definitive Localization of Plato's Los Civilization (2005), the results of the study for 30 years, firmly stated that the site of Atlantis is Indonesia. Oppenheimer and Santos book instantly create "Atlantis fever" in Indonesia. There who do not agree with that hypothesis, not a few who support. According to geologists from Bandung Geoligi Agency, Oki Oktariadi, until now there is no certainty where the actual location of Atlantis, still hypothetical. "Every theory has its supporters respectively are usually very fanatical. Atlantis could have existed only in Plato, "Oki said in the book Civilization Atlantis archipelago in Paramadina University, July 28, 2011. Similar delivered Radhar Panca Dahana culture: "It's all still hypothetical, vague, and floating. The important thing is to find scientific evidence to present authentic and significance. Do not drown in the mythology of Atlantis. Unfortunately, mythology helped build this country, to identify themselves, "said Radhar, who helped dissect the book. In fact, the existence of Atlantis is often used as an opportunity for exciting science and foreign exchange. Like do Sarmast, USA architect Persian descent, who claimed to have found Atlantis in the Mediterranean Sea, specifically in southeast Cyprus and buried as deep as 1,500 meters in the water. "This discovery makes tourists visiting Cyprus jumped sharply. Sarmast research funders, such as editors, film producers, media agencies, and so got a big advantage. They seemed to believe that if Sarmast right, they'll be famous, and if not, they have won large sums of money from the sponsors, "said Oki. According to Oki, the hypothesis of the existence of Atlantis in Indonesia should challenge domestic researchers to conduct further research. Turangga Seta Foundation answered the challenge. And findings is a pyramid controversy, like Atlantis. Semantically, according to Oki, the pyramid is English (pyramid), the Ancient Egyptian language mere (πυραμίς), derived from Sanskrit meaning mountain Meru. "Bandung was known as mountain diriung Bandung (Bandung surrounded by mountains). Has many mountains, want to make a mountain time (the pyramid) again, "said Oki. Ancient Egyptians 5000 years ago and settled in the fertile soil of farming along the Nile, Oki said, maybe diaspora (spread to various parts of the world) and find the mountain, while bermukimnya land in east Africa, barren. "Because of that, they make a pyramid as a desire on the mountain," said Oki. However, according to Roberta Edwards in King Tut's Who? pyramid is the tomb of the king of Egypt, Pharaoh. Pharaoh's tombs are the three biggest pyramids at Gizeh, Sphinx guarded. A tomb is not just a resting place for the bodies. The place is like a home, filled everything needed and wanted someone in the afterlife. "The farmers certainly do not have a lot of stuff. They also can not afford to buy a large tomb. Often the poor man just buried in the ground. In contrast, the tomb of the king has many rooms, all filled with valuables, "wrote Roberta. "People know that the treasure was buried along with the body of Pharaoh. Unfortunately, the pyramids were robbed. The robbers stole valuables pharaoh in the afterlife. " Despite still hypothetical, Radhar tried to make sense of Atlantis, that this archipelago has always been true triumph of the light of the recent years. "It's not just solely because of imagination and illusions some of us, but also because scientific facts prove that streak. So now Nor reason for anyone to not believe in the ability, empowerment, and extraordinary potential latent within us, as human beings as well as the nation. Too many reasons to believe: we have all the capital to be great. "1000unik.blogspot.com